Thank you for posting this poem by Dr. Naomi Wolf, Marinarena. It is amazing how quickly millions of Americans succumbed to propaganda and turned on their own people.

I remember as a teen reading books about the Holocaust and asking my parents how the rest of the world could not recognize what was happening. It boggled my mind that persecution of such a magnitude could go on against one specific group of people - all in plain sight. Yet, here we were in America, less than 80 years later, venturing down the same treacherous path. It is true - history does repeat itself. We would be wise to learn how to avoid making the same tragic mistakes.

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Similar story here about hearing and understanding about the Holocaust. And now, day after day, esp in these 3-4 years, it boggles my mind and I shake my head over such betrayal in place of loudly screaming !

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Ah how the world has changed yet not changed. It seems it has always been this way but I must have been on 'the other side' and not realised! Now to have experienced this side... Losing job, 'friends', marriage, even my elderly parents turned against me, my religion excluded me.... Now I see. Great poem, thanks 🙏

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A wonderful poem

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Wonderful for me to have your praise :-)

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I love your work!

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Powerful imagery, Marinarena

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