Often sad topics, songs, stories and people are the ones we are drawn to the most. Certainly fitting in the category of sad is this modern desire or fashion of “being oppressed”. Oppression has become an addiction. So laughable. So regrettable.
This notion makes me cry on the inside! To cope, I just had to write a poem about it. (Best viewed on desktop version)
Oppression’s the New Thing
Oppression is the new black
we show off like the L.B.D.,
the new mind-blowing sex,
the redefined ecstasy
or the latest new street drug,
getting us off and high.
It’s the coffee-like morning fix
we love to chug.
Yes. Oppression.
Oppression is the new ice cream
we lick ‘til the bowl’s clean,
the overflowing bucket
of butter popcorn or gummy candy
we easily pop down,
the hot fresh heaping apple pie
or winner-winner fried chicken dinner
that’s oh so American.
Yes. Oppression.
Oppression is that shiny, sparkling thing:
the fat diamond engagement ring
we girly girls go gaga for
or the phat, gaudy gold chain
gangsta guys swing worth a few Gs.
Oppression is our beloved, heavily spun
but very well maintained
vinyl record collection
Yes. Oppression.
Oppression is the new house on the hill
or beachside condo real estate
heavily sought after,
the new fast Harley bike or Corvette
we want for joyride thrill,
the double decker yacht
or deluxe private jet
desired ever after.
Yes. Oppression.
Oppression is the oasis
we resort to.
Out of nowhere
we brag about arriving to it,
reveling in it
and wanting not to leave it
Yes, we do!
I know, it's a psychosis!
Oppression is a warm blanket
in which we wrap ourselves tight
while it’s zero degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s our new happy
and yes, oppression is now
the new flag waving freedom.
Call it stupid, call it dumb.
Yes, I know, I know …
Don’t chase oppression. Chase sunsets, on a trip.
Book travel at marinarena.com
Very nice!