Reposted, in honor of International Women’s Day, a pro-female (not feminist) poem…
Ladies, let’s save our “ESS”
from extinction.
We should never disregard
our very own ESS-ence.
It’s lovely.
Let’s embrace it again!
We should coalesce
and fight for our ESS-ence,
reassess the so-called “progress”
brought to us by ultra feminism.
Nothing wrong about
being called “princESS”, right?
We love to hear it said
incESSantly by our fella
and by daddy.
Admit it.
“StewardESS” was
really never dismissive
or offensive.
We should let it fly.
The term, “actrESS”,
is not insulting
nor revolting.
“Consulting” Hollywood
has got it all wrong!
Let’s profess, use “ESS” again.
Let’s give it grace.
Let’s refuse to have our ESS-ence
be cancelled and all together erased.
God BL-ESS us women!
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